If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Year's Survey. Full of shocking answers.

What are your resolutions/good intentions for the New Year?
Be a father and husband first. Work less, spend as much time with my child as possible.

What happened in your life this year that you never expected to happen?
To be honest, the pregnancy is something I didn't really expect. Not that I didn't want it to happen, but it was such an abstract concept at the time, I don't think I really expected it.

What is one thing this year you did that you have never done before?
Well, there's the whole getting pregnant thing. And work related stuff, I worked on some exchange servers and got into network routing and switching, that was new. And, as geek as it is, I did some CAT5 cabling in my house all by myself, which was pretty fun.

What were your biggest achievements this year? Biggest achievements... probably all work related. Worked with some pretty heavy clients and kept things running relatively smoothly. Became a "partner" at the office.

What were your biggest challenges this year? Work was a constant challenge, there's no doubt about that. Keeping things running as smoothly as possible, which, considering the rather "gaseous" state of our company (especially in the last couple of months), was quite the challenge.

What is your biggest regret? Working too much. And usually I like to say "Regret nothing, learn from everything", but for some reason I can't seem to get out of the "must constantly work" mindset.

When were you happiest? Anytime I have a chance to spend time with Steph, first and foremost. Secondmost, when playing poker with friends (or just spending time with friends). Thirdmost, whenever I get a chance to play video games. I love them video games.

Who was your best friend? Aside from Steph, it would be Shane.

Who surprised you this year? Mike. For reasons heretofore left unwritten.

Who did you admire most this year? Shane, and Stephanie, for being strong in the face of adversity at work, all the while doing it while preggers. Oh, and the girls. Is it strange to say you admire a group of ten year olds?

Who were you in love with? Steph, duh.

What was the most important lesson you learned? Lesson, lesson... well I learned that K-J (suited or unsuited) is only playable in mid to late position and never as a calling hand, only as a raising or folding hand. But that wasn't the most important lesson... the most important lesson I learned was I mustn't react so "physically" to stress. I'm still working on the results of learning that, but I'm getting better.

What was your favorite TV show this year? Prison Break.

What was your favorite film of the year? I really liked ... um ... jeez. Haven't watched anything in a long time. I'll have to say In Good Company. That was a good movie.

What was your least favorite film of the year? I pretty much liked everything I saw this year to some degree. I guess Suspect Zero would count as my least favourite. Come to think of it now, it was actually pretty crappy.

What was your favorite book? Positively Fifth Street by James McManus. I definitely recommend this for anyone with even a passing interest in poker (or murder trials, for that matter).

What was your favorite food? The tomato/feta soup that Stephie makes.

What was your favorite song? Diamonds From Sierra Leone by Kanye West feat. Jay-Z. I really got back into Pink Floyd towards the end of the year, though.

What were your favorite phrases? All-in, smoo, using the term "twit" to describe people

What did you do for your Birthday? Went to a clinic and got to see the weird black-grey-white blob that was my unborn child at that point.

Which was your favorite Holiday? Thanksgiving. Did SFA for the whole weekend.

What was the best gift you gave this year? Gave? Um... I think the MILK baby book was pretty good.

What was the best gift you received this year? I got a very nice framed picture of my Grandfather in his navy uniform. Also the pyjamas I got from Steph are pretty sweet.

What did someone say to you that surprised you?

What was your hobby? Poker

What new discoveries did you make? New discoveries? We discovered Skagway, Alaska, that was pretty cool.

What was your guilty pleasure for the year? Nachos from 7-11

What was your fashion like? Comfortable businessish

What was your career/job like? Mindboggingly stressful but rewarding.

What new skills did you learn this year? Lots of technical stuff... exchange servers, networking, etc.

What do you think was your most valuable contribution? Easy one. The time I give to CMSA every year.

What lesson(s) did you learn about yourself? Learned that last year with ball wasn't a fluke, that I'm a good coach. I learned that I need to find a way to reduce my stress.

What were the most significant events of the past year? Getting pregnant

What were you afraid of? The consequences of getting pregnant

What was your most memorable journey? Our journey up to the Yukon & Alaska

Which did you do more of? Smile or cry? Smile. I'm a guy. I don't cry. Grrrrrrr.

Did you make any new friends? Not really

Did you lose any old friends? Nope

Did you have any births/deaths in your family? My grandmother died in January

Did you fall in love/out of love? Nope

What is your newest tech item? The surround-sound system I suppose...

What was your most extravagant purchase? See above

What should you have done more of? Relax

What should you have done less of? If you haven't figured out the pattern of "Kyle needs to _____ less", you haven't really been paying attention, now, have you?

What made the biggest difference in your life? The pregnancy

What gave you joy this year? Stephanie, the cats, and work, most of the time.

What made you sad this year? Death of my grandmother

What was your motto for the year? A motto? I didn't have a motto. There. There's my motto. "No motto!"


Blogger dean said...

Kyle, you're going to be an excellent Dad. Maybe the baby will create less stress in your life and bring you utter joy. Maybe the birth of your child will bring you to tears.

Friday, January 6, 2006 at 8:01:00 PM MST  
Blogger parabolicant said...

I'm curious about the fact that I surprised you the most. And also very curious about the reasons. I'll see you on MSN and we can talk about it.

Wednesday, February 1, 2006 at 1:05:00 PM MST  

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