If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Maybe if I was in demand, you would be mine...

So, I have now been cyber-poked by a #2 pencil because I didn't write yesterday. See, I thought I got out of being pencil-poked since the wife didn't write yesterday either, so the poking canceled each other out.

However, I have now been poked by Kelsey. Ouch.

So, here is a combined yesterday and today entry for ya.


So, the good 'ol Gomery exoneration... er, report... came out yesterday. I would pay more attention if I thought it would have any bearing whatsoever on anything related to the governing of this country. But it won't.

I did find something definitely unusual yesterday though while on my way to the bank. On the corner of 8th ave and 2nd street there was a young lady. Say, 20 or so.

In her hand she was holding a copy of the Gomery Report.

And she was a shoutin'. And not just shoutin' random things, no, she was shoutin' the report. Word for word. The entire freaking thing.

The only thing that really went through my mind was ... "Honey, you're really preaching to the wrong people here. You're in CALGARY. You know, CONSERVATIVE CENTRAL. If you want to "make a difference", I suggest you go and shout that report out in downtown Toronto." Of course, I didn't say that, because really, it won't make a whole hell of a lot of difference. Not with the sad little consortium of regional opposition parties we have in this country.

Something else I noticed while going to the bank and then down to the Ticketmaster outlet to get my Matthew Good tickets was that there sure are a lot of people on Stephen Ave at lunchtime. Even though it was a bit chilly, there were tons of people outside. I'd guess, I passed maybe a thousand people on my journey across 5 blocks. Maybe 800. But definitely a lot.

I counted 16 people wearing poppies. Every year we seem to unconciously take more and more of the remembering out of remembrance.

Last night was the Matthew Good concert, which was also the first concert I've attended in the new Macewan Hall at the University. It's a jillion times better than the Mac Hall Ballrom. Huge, spacious, great acoustics, etc. And the whole hall was mabye 80% full, so Steph and I were able to lurk at the back of the hall and watch the concert in unencumbered, unsquished, unelbowed, unjostled glory.

And what a show it was. Most excellent.


The most productive thing I have done is write in this blog. Hooray for me.

That is all.

Mr. Good


Blogger Steffie said...


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 at 11:19:00 AM MST  
Blogger kelsey said...

seriously, do I need to come up behind you on Stephen's Ave with an actual pencil.

Wednesday, November 9, 2005 at 9:57:00 AM MST  

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