If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Just press this big red button that says 'Launch Missile'

So what's going on ... hmm. Well, not too much, really.

My back is killing me, for some strange reason which I cannot fathom. Perhaps I have been sitting too long. Well, there's a pretty good chance that's it since I've been planted in this chair since 7:15am...

Anyway, had quite the panic last night. We got home around 5:00 or so, and yesterday was the last day the drywall guys were going to be in the house. Now, we had been a bit worried about the cats since these weren't the regular contractors who are fully aware we have cats and whatnot.

So once we had been home for a couple of hours, we realized we had not seen Salinger since we got home. So we searched the house high and low to no avail. I searched the garage to no avail, calling his name. Silence.

We then searched outside, calling his name, all to no avail (this also resulted in the rather odd situation of me wandering around the grounds of our condo with a flashlight, looking in people's basement lightwells, under trees, under cars, etc. The odd thing about this was I was doing this in plain view of several of the people in our development, and nobody said a thing ... good thing I wasn't a criminal, eh?).

So we called the SPCA to report him lost, raced down to the office to print some "LOST CAT" posters (since we have no printer right now at home), then raced back home and into the garage.

On a lark, Stephanie decided to look into the cabinets which are in the garage. I had
never looked in them, simply because I figured there was far too much crap in front of them for him to paw the cabinet open and get in, plus if he WAS in the garage, he would have been too scared to think about hiding in the cabinet.

Anyway, after hours of searching, printing off flyers and whatnot, Stephanie peers into the cabinet to find poor Salinger, covered in dirt, looking up as if to say "Oh, hi, you're looking for me?"

Crisis averted. Nice of him to stay quiet while I called his name though... damn cat.

(Yeah, Steph posted this in her blog too, but I think it's easily the most appropriate picture I've got for this post.


Blogger Steffie said...

loook. it's my fat baby.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005 at 1:01:00 PM MDT  

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