If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Some randomness and 20 pictures

Ok, so, some random stuff, and 20 pictures from San Fransisco

- I am a bad blogger. Over the last couple of months this blog has deteriorated into random postings containing little more than pictures I've found. Mostly in other people's blogs. Sigh. I am sorry, blog. I am so very bad

- Almost every day I say "I should write in my blog on my lunchbreak" and then I either play a poker tournament at or I get abducted by my coworkers who have no respect for the fact that I'm on lunch. Yes, I may be at my desk, BUT I'M EATING AND PLAYING POKER HOW MUCH MORE DO YOU NEED TO SEE TO REALIZE I'M NOT WORKING RIGHT NOW

- I should go for walks on my lunchbreak instead of sitting at my desk

- Jenny Good is to Matthew Good as Yoko Ono was to The Beatles

- We ventured to Costco today. Spent $75 which I think is quite the accomplishment at Costco, since usually you go in there and end up spending eleventy billion dollars. Anyway, the interesting thing about this trip was that, typically when I'm in Costco on a Saturday, it takes me eleventeen seconds to want to start killing people. Not everyone, just the ones who leave their cart in the middle of the aisle and wander away from it, or walk... really... r e a l l y s l o w in the middle of an aisle, or a family that walks side-by-side-by-side-by-side-by-side instead of taking up a little less room... or that group of people who just SUDDENLYSTOPWITHOUTANYWARNING causing you to crash into them.

Anyway, today, I was in some weird sort of zen-state or whatever you would call it, and instead of being annoyed, I found it incredibly funny. People wandering around aimlessly, almost as though they were lost, oblivious to any other person around them, unaware that they were in the way... bizarre. Someone should do a study of the way people behave in a crowded store.

- Ok, I lied. I wanted to kill one person - the lady who, while I was moving to the side of an aisle to get something, crashed her cart PAST mine. Not accidentally bumped into my card, but crashed my cart out of the way.

- San Fransisco was wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Here's 20 pictures, and some captions. I toned the quality down so they load faster.

Golden Gate Bridge as shot from China Beach

Streetcar at night

Ships in the harbor near Fisherman's Wharf

Alcatraz as seen from the boat on the way back to shore

I loved the way the light came in through the windows. This is in the lunch hall of Alcatraz

Cellblocks. Black-and-whited for effect.

A cell at Alcatraz.

At Fisherman's Wharf there is this little "arcade" that has all these old time arcade games. This was my favourite, it was kind of like Pinball & Baseball in one. The "pithcer" would throw a steel ball and you had to use the paddle to hit it past the "fielders" into the wall behind them.

Another streetcar, taken at night.

Mmm. Pumpkin. This was taken near Half Moon Bay at their annual pumpkin festival. There were literally hundreds of people buying pumpkins.

Wedding fun! This is Phillipe. He's from France. And quite talented with a spoon. Hell of a fun and interesting fellow.

This is us before the wedding, outside the hotel.

Ah. Children and their impeccable timing. This was the couple's first dance, which was obviously not nearly as important as what this little guy wanted. Whatever that may have been. Of all the pictures taken on our trip, this is my absolute favourite.

Aaaallllooooooouuuuuuu. (Shot taken from our seats at full 300mm zoom)

SBC Park, as seen from our $30 seats.

Near Pear 39 at Fisherman's Wharf are the "World Famous Sea Lions". They were amazingly loud. Here, you can see 3 of them barking for no discernable reason.

This shot was taken at the MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) which is this amazing structure built for the world's fair in the early 1900's.

Another view of the MOMA.

San Fransisco fog and the Golden Gate Bridge.

SBC Park at night, taken across from McCovey Cove, the home of many a home run.

- Ok, that's it for now. I'm sleepy. Ciao. Here's hoping that the bloggage becomes a bit more regular for me ...


Blogger kelsey said...

Why blog when you can comment on my blog!! I love reading your updates, you've got so many exciting things come up you should blog more.

Also stupid co-workers!

Sunday, October 9, 2005 at 8:39:00 AM MDT  
Blogger bubba said...

did mr. bonds knock one outta the ballpark for you? what a view!

Monday, October 10, 2005 at 3:57:00 PM MDT  
Blogger dean said...

Kyle, I'd visit more often if I knew you were blogging more. So yeah, keep it coming.

Sunday, October 16, 2005 at 4:08:00 PM MDT  

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