If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Monday, October 24, 2005

My son is a cold-hearted gangster, and I need a hug.

Well, let's hope that doesn't actually come true.

Pretty uneventful weekend, really. Put up with the contstant BANGBANGBANGBANG of guys installing drywall in the basement, took Cooper to the Vet because he's got something wrong with his right eye. Yuck.

Watched a couple of movies. From now on, whenever I watch a movie, I will rate it. This weekend, I watched two films which were not treated very well by the critics, "Suspect Zero" and "Saw"

Suspect Zero
My rating: 2 out of 5

Well, this was a strange film, I have to say. I remember seing the previews for it and thinking "wow that sounds interesting", then when the reviews came out deciding it was a renter at best.

That's true for the first half of the movie. The first half of the film was far too slow, badly acted and confusing. It was evident that the director was trying to be "edgy" with all sorts of weird camera angles and weird cuts and stuff. Really, overall it fell completely flat.

The second half, however, was excellent. Once Ben Kingsley actually got to act instead of sit in a chair and have seizures, the film became quite interesting. It's a testament to the talent of that actor that he could save the film. It's really as if halfway through the film, the stuidio came in, sid "Nope, crappy." Then went and got a new writer, director, producer, etc., for the second half.

All in all, this film was quite disappointing because it was promising. The plot could have been very interesting.

My rating: 4 out of 5

Yep, 4 out of 5, I thought this movie was excellent. Ok, let's get the obvious out of the way: the acting is terrible. But it's a horror movie, so really what do you expect? I don't watch horror flicks to see good acting.

Some other "negatives" - I find it hard to watch Carey Elwes in anything but The Princess Bride. Especially in a movie that involves him talking about poison, since I fully expect him to start talking about how he's built up an immunity to the poison, or suddenly exclaim that he's not left handed, etc. Also, it's sad to see Danny Glover reduced to movies like this.

Ok, that's out of the way. Now onto the positives. Deliciously twisted, well produced (with lots of unique angles and cuts and whatnot, thinking about it now, it's really what Suspect Zero I think wanted to do), and a very interesting plot that kept me interested. Also, anytime a film can have a twist at the end that actually surprises me is a definite plus (for those of you who have seen it, the twist at the very, very, very, very end with the body).

All in all, if you like twisted/horror movies, this is a definite must.

Deer in the backyard at the cabin
Picture by me


Blogger Steffie said...

no saw. noooooo scary movies.

or something incoherent like that.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005 at 7:24:00 AM MDT  

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