So all I have to say about today is that I hate my vehicle right now with the "Headlight Problem" which causes them to burn out every 2 months or so, and I am also stunned at the brilliance of the City's Road Construction team who decided it would be a bright idea to reduce the Bow Trail & Sarcee intersection to 1 lane in all directions.
Thank you. That is all.
Thank you. That is all.
you can thank "pave" bronconnier for the tons o' fun, eh...
maybe that is what bronco meant when he said he could take away the roads if they didn't raise taxes.
Found out last week that my back blinker's out. I've been wondering why no one's been letting me lane change lately...
If your lights are hallogens the mechanic might be touching the glass when he installs them. The oil on his fingers can cause the bulbs to burn out quickly.
My e-mail is kelseywiens@gmail.com
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