If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Thursday, December 22, 2005

What did you dream? It's all right, we told you what to dream...

So welcome to the machine.

So, usually, December is a hectic month. What with Christmas and all. You know, run around, buy stuff for people (you HAVE to buy things, you know. There's really no choice). It's not that bad. Your credit card takes a hit, your debt gets worse (but thank god for that tax refund that comes in February, that's what I tell myself...), but hey, that's what this season is all about, right?

Ahhhh sweet, beautiful cynicism, welcome back to the blog.

For those of you who don't like the cynic in me, then I apologize in advance. But this Christmas has, for the last two weeks, been an absolute royal pain in the ass.

Why? Well let's count the things that have all combined to turn this December into "le grande month de STRESS"...

- Steph's been put on bedrest due to some pain which started last week.
- Work has gone BONKERS; I feel like I'm working 24 hours a day. And I almost am...
- I can't find anything for ANYBODY this year. Don't even have half the shopping done
- Behind on getting stuff for baby.
- House slowly turning into a bigger mess than can be overcome

So, any of these things on their own are not so bad. However, when all piled up together into one big pile, well, now we're talking things getting a little more difficult to deal with.

All right. That's enough of the complaining. This is SUPPOSED to be a happy time of year, so lets talk about some of the happies.

The baby is, by all accounts, doing very well. We had an "emergency" ultrasound due to the pain Steph's been in and apparently everything looks fine. This is a big relief and now the waiting game starts, as the doctors think the baby could come "any day". Of course, "any day" could mean January 27th, or even later, which means a lot of waiting, waiting, waiting.

Work being busy is a good thing, of course. When you're working for a company that's struggling along, trying to balance increased workload from various customers all the while bringing on NEW customers, well, that's a challenge but it's one we're ready for and one that could really see the company get over that "hump", so to speak.

Well that's about it... time to suck it up and get back to work, and keep a smile on that 'ol face...



Blogger Steffie said...

i vote for just skipping christmas altogether next year. no gifts for anyone! except the button.

Thursday, December 22, 2005 at 4:21:00 PM MST  
Blogger dean said...


Hope that brought a smile to your face.

Friday, December 23, 2005 at 12:21:00 PM MST  
Blogger kelsey said...

You guys are the third couple I know thats been put on bed rest this month! I think I'm the problem actually!

Merry, Merry!

Sunday, December 25, 2005 at 8:37:00 PM MST  

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