If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

There goes the neighbourhood...

Well, as must as I detest politicians who, instead of stepping down and calling for a by-election, just decide to "switch sides" (as Ms. Stronach did today), at least we won't have to put up with an election which will solve nothing.

I don't understand how these idiots can honestly justifying moving from one party to the other - especially ones so opposite as the current Conservative party and the Liberal party - and still maintain they are representing their constituents.

Hey. Moron. THEY VOTED FOR YOU AS A CONSERVATIVE. You can't just switch sides six months later.

Hold a press conference, state that you can't remain a member of [party x] anymore as their policies/direction/whatever is contrary to your own. Say you're stepping down, ask for a by-election, then run against your former party. That's how you represent your constituents.

Not by bolting to another party the instant they offer you a cabinet position. That's thinking of yourself.

Stronach's move had nothing at all to do with her job as a representative of her riding. It was self-serving politics at its worst. (Which I suppose makes her a perfect fit for the Libs).


Oh well. At least there's a silver lining to it all... my prediction of PM Harper doesn't look like it's going to come true anytime soon. Whew.


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