If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Free money, and stuff

Found a link the other day to a free $25 credit at a poker site I play at. I've only played at the "play money" tables, but I figured I couldn't pass up a free $25 to play there. So I signed up, got my free money, and so far in a few days I've more than doubled up.

I doubt my luck will last, but it's been fun so far at least.


Coaching starts up officially this Saturday with our first team practice. I'll get to meet my coaching staff, and we'll have our first practice of the year (albeit indoors). It will be interesting working with these girls, who've been "hand picked" by the community as the top talents in the "Under-10-Years-Old" category.

Seems the community sports association has high hopes for me this year, considering my success last year. Let's hope I can live up to the expectations. It's odd to talk about "expectations for success" when dealing with ten year olds.

I'll be getting my Level 1 Technical certification next weekend, too. So that should be interesting.


So, first it was orange blue lines, and now, they want to make the nets bigger in hockey.

Hey, morons.

How about getting the league going, first?

Then, contract the league so that anyone who straps on a pair of skates can't just find a team to play for, get out of the areas where nobody cares about hockey, start calling holding and hooking even if it results in fifty penalties per game (the players will figure it out eventually), reduce the obscene size of goaltender's equipment, and then things will be ok.

Oh, wait. Nevermind. I'm thinking from a "make the game better and restore the integrity of the sport" perspective. Silly me. These rational things will never happen.


Finally made the plunge and, with it's recent price drop, picked myself up a shiny new Canon Digital Rebel. Mmmm. Fun 6.8 megapixel toy. I've been wanting this sucker for a loooooong time.

I'd been debating between the Nikon D70 and the Canon. And while the D70 is a far superior camera... I couldn't afford the extra $450 that they go for. I'm really looking forward to mucking about with the Rebel over the next while.

It's going to be great to use when we head up to the Yukon in June.


Oh, yeah. We're going to the Yukon in June. This will be great fun. I love it up there tremendously. The scenery and tranquility is amazing. While we won't be going to Dawson City (as we're going to Whitehorse for Steph's brother's graduation, which will be great to see), there will be plenty to do around Whitehorse I'm sure and lots of opportunities for picture takin'.

I'm also sorely in need of a vacation, so on that aspect alone it is something I'm very much looking forward to.


I'm disappointed in the slanted editing in this year's TAR. It's not really reducing my enjoyment of the show, but I'm just not a fan of "editing to develop a character" in a reality show. I guess it's unavoidable though. But it's still disappointing, as the show would be very entertaining if they just showed the interesting stuff and didn't edit it the way they are.

There's really no need to cut in a statement made by a player earlier in the race into a different clip, just to make it seem like they're doing something that helps portray them as the underdog/badguy/hero/etc.


Rumour has it that Rupert is going to be on the next season of TAR, which is going to be a "family" episode. Reports are that he's going to be on there with his wife and two foster kids.

Interesting. I'm kind of on the fence about "famous" people being on TAR. While it makes for entertaining TV... part of the charm is that the show is made up of normal folk.

I'm also not a fan of the "WE MUST BEAT ROMBER IN THIS LEG OF THE RACE" attitude that everyone on TAR has taken this season. While I can't blame them for the attitude, it's tiresome.


That is all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new camera! Welcome to Canon! You've bought the camera...that's the cheap part. Now the real fun begins! Any thoughts about future lens purchases? I would highly recommend the 50mm f1.8 II. Yes, it's not the sturdiest lens around, but it's sharp as a tack! I've got it and I love it. I'm still not diving into digital yet. I enjoy slides too much. For now, the 24mm f2.8 is calling me...

Thursday, March 31, 2005 at 6:37:00 PM MST  
Blogger Steffie said...

ACK! dillan. please do not encourage further spending.

Friday, April 1, 2005 at 9:40:00 PM MST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steph, what are friends for? :)

Saturday, April 2, 2005 at 1:03:00 AM MST  
Blogger bubba said...

dillan, where's page 3?

Saturday, April 2, 2005 at 12:02:00 PM MST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm working on it, I'm working on it! The photos are getting less and less impressive now, as you may have noticed. My reputation is shot!

Saturday, April 2, 2005 at 3:30:00 PM MST  

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