If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Finally! A solution to all of Hockey's problems in the USA

And at long last, they have come up with a solution to the lack of interest Americans show to hockey... THE ICE IS THE WRONG DAMN COLOUR!!!

White Ice + Blue Zone Lines + Red Centre Line = "I CAN'T SEE NO DAMN THING 'MA!"

Powder Blue Ice + Orange Zone Lines + Dark Blue Centre Line = "YEHAWWW PROFITS"

Yeah. Sure.


The problem is not that they are unable to see the damn puck. The problem is that THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT HOCKEY IN NASHVILLE!!! This, of course, is not helped by the fact that there is NO PROFESSIONAL LEAGUE TO SPEAK OF RIGHT NOW in North America.


Ok, listen. Go ahead and make the ice powder blue. But for crying out loud, why must the line colours change? A red centre line and dark blue zone lines would be just as visible, for crying out loud.

Anyway, not that it matters, but this is a pretty big sign that hockey execs. have no idea what the hell is going on anymore.


Mmm. Powder Blue.


Blogger bubba said...

i agree that the size or visibility of the puck really has no bearing on the state of the game in america.

this is a country where "sports" such as baseball and golf enjoy much more success in TV ratings than hockey. each of these sports use objects of interest (i.e. golf balls, baseballs) which are significantly smaller or of comparable size to the puck. you don't see the MLB or PGA painting the turf blue or black to enhance their viewers enjoyment of their sports.

hockey to canadians is what baseball is to americans. they grow up with baseball. it's ingrained. personally, i enjoy playing baseball for fun. when it's on tv, my interest wanes... way too boring (except for maybe playoffs).

sorry to say this but i can also apply the last statement to nhl hockey...

Wednesday, March 16, 2005 at 2:36:00 PM MST  

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