If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Monday, January 03, 2005

And so, year in review, or somesuch.

Wow, this blog got a lot of dust on it while I was off running around and not writing.

So, it's the big oh-five and has been for 3 days. Only thing different so far is the searing pain in my lower back that I somehow managed to achieve through chopping wood out at the family ranch of Steph's friend Jenn on the weekend.

Anyway, some highlights and favourites and such from the oh-four.

Best Day
October 10th 2004

Worst Day
December 10th, 2004

Most unexpected moment
A long moment, but it was the over-several-weeks-moment where the "Yes" reply cards started flooding in from my family.

Favourite CD released in '04
White Light Rock & Roll Review, Matthew Good

Most surprising CD
American Idiot, Green Day

Most disappointing CD
Encore, Eminem (first 1/3 is great, second 1/3 is terrible, third 1/3 is great. But that middle 1/3 just drags it so far doowwwnnnn...)

Favourite TV Show
Um, several, but I'll have to say it's The O.C. I'm ashamed. But it's soooo deliciously over the top and silly and great.

Happiest TV Moment
Watching the return to previous greatness that has been this years West Wing

Favourite Meal
Our dinner at the Edith Cavell restaurant in Jasper while a-honeymoonin'

Favourite food/drink discovery
Australian Shiraz-es. (Red Wine)

Best Concert
All 40 minutes of Sarah Slean opening for Ron Sexsmith (left after her opener)

Most disappointing concert
Matthew Good in Banff ... although I don't blame him for cutting the show short. I would have too if a lack of proper security had caused my teeth to be knocked loose & chipped by a microphone stand after a crowd surge.

In my humble opinion, 2005's biggest asshole
Dubya, followed closely by King "I'll tell you what I'm gonna do after you elect me and oh yea kill all the fags" Ralph

Biggest political disappointment
Having sort-of high hopes for Paul Martin making the Liberal party a party I could maybe, possibly, perhaps, not necessarily vote for but have some faith in and seeing him utterly fail to do anything meaningful for an entire year.

Happy Days are here again...
Because Shane moved back to Calgary (I should call him I guess since I haven't talked to him in months)

Best gift
Wedding DVD from Al Woo (possibly wins the highly sought after BEST GIFT EVAAHH award)

So, to everyone who reads this blog, everyone that I know as family or friend, have a wonderful 2005, it was great knowing you in whatever capacity I did through '04, and know that I love you, no matter how long it's been since I said it.


Blogger Steffie said...

woohoo. i actually think i like this little year in review better than the one i did.

Tuesday, January 4, 2005 at 8:00:00 AM MST  

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