If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

It's just the same damn King as last time.

Well, King Ralph was crowned last night for the fourth time. Interestingly enough, his popularity seems to have tumbled down to the same level it was at before he was elected for the first time, back in the aftermath of Don "Spendin' like a drunken sailor on shore leave" Getty. The popularity is down so significantly that my prediction of Klein losing a seat in Calgary not only came true, but it came true three times over as three ridings in Calgary were abducted by the Liberals.

It's interesting, to me, that the Liberals (and the rest of the parties) were able to capture seats not so much through the strength of their party or policies, but more that there is a seed of discontent throughuout the province which had sprouted just enough for thenm to win some extra seats.

It makes you wonder what would have happened if they were looked at as more of an actual party versus a protest vote.


We "nominate" Senate candidates in Alberta. It's an unusual thing to do, since we don't have elected Senators in this country. The Senate is appointed by the party in power, an absurd notion since the Senate has ultimate power, and if the party in power gets to nominate them, and they get to stay in the Senate literally until they die, it means that a party like the Liberals can basically rule even if they are removed from power.

Anyway, during each provincial election we nominate candidates, and hope that the federal government will recognize them and appoint them to empty seats in the Senate. So far, this hasn't happened and is unlikely to ever happen.

Sadly, this form of protest is quite ineffective when you consider that Alberta is the only province whose Parties (actually ruling Party, - since all the candidates on the Senate appointee list were almost exclusively PC, with a few Alliance, and Independents thrown in for good measure) participate.

In no other province does it seem important to fight for an elected senate.

Which is absolutely embarassing.

But typical of this country. It makes me very disappointed that more people don't seem to understand the importance of democracy at all levels. This city, this province, this country - they are all not just governed by your Alderman, MLA or MP. There are many other levels of government which are all appointed, have indefinite terms, and are completely and utterly non-accountable. This, somehow, doesn't strike people as being something to be concerned about.

I just don't get it.


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