If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Good morning! How are you?

  • Whew. Only 67 emails in my inbox this morning. Nice.

  • I'm glad to know that the rights of homeless people in this city are lesser to those of everyone else. It makes me happy that our judicial system recognizes that homeless people, by their very nature, are barely people at all and are thus not deserving of equal protection under the law. You see, if I were to go and, say, attack some woman in a back alley, smash a bottle over her head, kick her in the face, proceed to urinate on her, and VIDEOTAPE the entire endeavour, I would most likely be reasonable in expecting multiple years in prison.

    Thankfully, if I want to do this to a homeless person, I need only worry about spending a few months in jail. Perfect! Finally the justice system recognizes there are different types of human beings, each deserving of different protection under the law.

  • Here's a question for you: You're going to go commit a horrible crime. Something that is sure to get you sent off to jail if you're caught and it can be proven that you participated. What in the world makes you think it's a good idea to videotape yourself committing the crime?!?

    It's not like it's a random thing, either. It seems to be very common, hearing about "The prosecution's key piece of evidence was a videotape the defendants made of themselves committing the crime."

    Well, I guess it's comforting to know that the majority of criminals aren't the brightest bulbs on the tree.

  • Prediction for Monday's big election: King Ralph remains in power by a long shot, since most Albertans can't figure out if there are actually any other parties running in the election. However, some Albertans are lucky enough to actually see a campaign sign by a non-PC candidate, and perhaps even go out of their way to find out about the other parties.

    This being the case, King Ralph loses several seats, including one in (gasp!) Calgary itself.

    Albertans, over the next few years, are in a constant state of shock when bizarre policies and government actions are undertaken, most of which the people weren't aware would happen when they cast their vote. Few Albertans realize the irony of being upset at things not going well when they all voted for a candidate who said "My platform is I'll tell you what I'm going to do after I'm elected."

  • We get our wedding video today, hoo ha, hoo ha.

  • Company poker tournament is on Saturday. Should be fun.

  • I realized something this weekend. You see, I stayed up until 2am on Friday while over at Shane's housewarming party, then was up until 3:00am the next day at our house, getting very drunk on red wine and champagne while playing poker with Shane, Dillan, and my wife.

    What I realized is that I need to be less of a hermit and get out with my friends more, since this weekend was about as much fun as I've had in a long, long time. (I'm very glad Shane is back in town, very very glad).

  • Hopefully a regular poker night will be starting up soon. I love poker...

That is all. Have a good day ...


Blogger Unknown said...

I honestly only have envy, as you get to play poker regularly and I don't. Glad to hear you want to go out and have fun more often, I was worried the two of you had already gotten into preferring hiding out. I actually hope Steff shares the feeling of a need for some form of adventure, besides CSI.

I also need to properly thank you for pushing me to develop my ideas on religion. Although I failed to expand on my thoughts, I just discovered Nietzsche for myself and I was quite pleasantly surprised.

I really miss both you and Steff, the good and the bad.

Thursday, November 18, 2004 at 1:37:00 PM MST  
Blogger Steffie said...

hey look! it says my name when i comment now. i don't have to try to remember to type it in myself. smoo.

Friday, November 19, 2004 at 8:59:00 AM MST  

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