If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Well then ...

I'll fall out of my chair in delerious glee and shock tonight if Kerry wins.

Bush has far too many goons to lose this election, including, but not limited to:

- Brother Bush with his fancy voting machines in Florida

- The letter-writing goons who nicely advised black voters registered as Democrats in various areas that they would be arrested for not paying their utility bills when they showed up to vote.

- And the biggest goons of them all, those of the Supreme variety.

Unfortunately, it's not like the other side is much better...

Anyone who thinks that the Democratic party isn't capable of playing dirty is fooling themselves, and anyone who thinks that Kerry and his "Woo hoo Isolationism!" stance is a good thing is fooling themselves.

That being said, dear god I hope he wins. Might be worse for Canada than Bush but we're not the only country to be thinking about here. Bush is bad for the world. Hell, damn nasty, even.

And it's rare I call someone "damn nasty".


Speaking of idiot politicians, while I used to be able to at least sort of tolerate King Ralph, his latest actions have enraged me beyond belief.

Ok. It's one thing to make a stupid statement. It's entirely another thing to make said comment, apologize, then make childish passive-aggressive comments about it later which make it pretty clear your apology didn't mean shit.

Like I needed another reason not to vote for the idiot.

He's a complete and utter embarassment to this province.

Bah. That is all.


Blogger parabolicant said...

I hate to say it, but I admire him for shooting from the hip. Unfortunately he is a politician so he can't say what's on his mind. I guess none of his advisors have informed him of this yet.

Thursday, November 4, 2004 at 9:07:00 AM MST  

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