If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Thursday, October 21, 2004

mumbly, mumbly

Guess who's back. Back again. I am back. Tell some friends.


Actually been back for a while now, got back in town on Saturday morning then raced around for the next two days with mother & brother in law, shopping, eating, and dropping them off at the airport.

And so, with no further delay, a return of mumbly mumbly.

  • Man. What an ALCS. While I'm still hurting that my beloved Giants and hero Balco Bonds didn't make it to the playoffs, both the ALCS and the NLCS have been extremely entertaining (this after pretty dull divisional

    The interesting thing, though, is that I'm not overly shocked that the BoSox pulled it off. They never should have been down by 3 games in the first place. Never. The Evil Empire may have a $180 million dollar payroll, but I'm highly confused at how they can possibly have such a high payroll and have such terrible pitching.

    That's what killed the empire in this one. As soon as Boston beat up on Rivera in game 5, it was as clear to day to me that they were going to pull it off. That win pretty much guaranteed them a win in game 6 (Rivera had blown 2 consecutive saves and thrown over 80 pitches in two nights, and for a reliever that comes with a heavy toll), and then the Yankees showed their true depth last night. Anemic pitching, combined with facing a Boston team that was as determined as a team I've seen, combined to make one of the more impressive comebacks in sports history.

    And how about Damon? It's about time you showed up, pal. Guy goes 3-26 in the first 6 games and then goes 3-5 with 2 HR's and 6 steaks. I had a feeling he would have a good game... still surprised at how good it actually was.
  • I'm utterly bored by Survivor this year. Meh.
  • West Wing last night was very good. Hopefully it's a sign of things to come and the series returns back to its old glory, instead of the aimless garbage that made up most of the last 2 seasons.
  • I'm glad it's daylight savings time soon. I'm getting very tired of getting to work in pitch darkness.
  • The wedding, ah. The wedding. I know it will sound like a cliche, but, to date, that was the best day of my life.

    Being surrounded by all my friends and family (both my old friends/family and my new friends/family), having an absolute blast roaming around downtown doing the pictures, then an incredible ceremony, an amazing dinner, then one HELL of a party... it couldn't have gone better.

    I want to have a day like that every day.

    I thank my lucky stars that I had enough courage to stand up to those who were against me, that I had the strength to stay with the plan to marry Stephanie in the face of all the criticism, because it was an amazing day, and I have an amazing, incredible life ahead of me with the most wonderful woman on earth.

That is all.


Blogger bubba said...

180 million bucks? that would place the yankees in between the 49th (palau) and 50th (sao tome principe)place countries in the world in terms of gdp (out of 258).

as for the alcs, games 2,3,4 were worth watching. otherwise, the other games were blow outs. coupled with the fact that it took them an average of 14 hrs. (ok, i'm exaggerating) to play each game, i could go away and forget there was an alcs for a while.

it was nice to see boston win.

now bring back hockey...(just kidding, i don't miss it at all).

as for survivor, it's hardly on the tv radar this year. problems: too many old wrinkly raisons, not enough beautiful people (i.e. hot women). them old people plan and think too much...

Thursday, October 21, 2004 at 10:36:00 AM MDT  

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