If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

I’m spreading love like a terrorist now

Well, we had our "Engagement Photo" session with our photographer yesterday down at the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary. I never realized that such a beautiful place existed just 5 minutes from downtown. But it does. Absolutely gorgeous in there, especially with all the fall colours.

Anyway, the photo session went well and it will be interesting to see how things turn out, as we get one print of our choice to display next to our guest book in a glorious display of narcissism. Or something.

Not much more to say right now, unfortunately. I was hoping to put together a fascinating, interesting entry today and seem to have failed miserably.

Oh, one small rant: I can't believe how many goddamned service charges Ticketmaster tacks on to ticket prices. We just bought tickets to see Sarah Slean in concert on the 28th of October. I was quite happy that tickets were only $22.50, then was quite frustrated when the total ended up being around $60.00 for two tickets. Lets see... $1.50 facility charge... $3.00 "convenience charge" ... PLUS a $2.50 charge just to go and pick up the tickets.

That's the one that makes very little sense to me, in all honesty. Ticketmaster charges you a minimum of $2.50 per ticket, no matter what you want to do. I walk from my office, down to the Ticketmaster booth near me, stand in line, present my credid card and confirmation number to a person behind a desk, who then prints out the ticket, and I have to pay for this.

I suppose in all honesty this is a good idea. I'm going to start recommending to all businesses that they start this practice. Go to Future Shop for a CD, the cashier adds on a "Cashier Charge". Restaurants should start adding in a "Cooking Charge" and a "Seating Fee".

It reminds me of the bill I got from Direct Energy two months ago ... I used almost NO GAS that month. Literally - we didn't have the furnace on at all, I think, for the whole month. The charge for gas? Less than $1.00 - no kidding. The total bill? $32.78. Yeah.

Well, that was a longer than expected rant. Sorry about that.

Although, Sarah Slean's new CD is out today (according to her website), so all fans of good music should pick up a copy.

And, so, I shall leave you with these tidbits:

A sign that the world is surely coming to an end: Shania Twain's new single is a duet with Mark McGrath. You know, the guy from Sugar Ray. Something about having a "party for two". Yeah.

Lyric of the day: "I’m spreading love like a terrorist now"

That is all.


Blogger parabolicant said...

I have to admit that anything with Mark McGrath has got my vote. That guy is honestly one of the funniest people out there right now. Read any interview where they actually print what he says and you will cry laughing. And, if you can find his "20 Questions" from Details magazine in the late 90's it is worth the read.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004 at 9:10:00 AM MDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahem. you didn't even mention my lovely makeup. i can't believe it. sniff.


Tuesday, September 28, 2004 at 9:14:00 AM MDT  
Blogger bubba said...

here's the ticket... ticketmaster ought to bill the artist who uses their service instead of the end user. that's what visa/mastercard does. then again they probably charge the artist as well. then again the artist probably passes that charge along to the end user. damn ticketmaster. it's all a scam...

Tuesday, September 28, 2004 at 1:31:00 PM MDT  

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