If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Saturday, September 18, 2004


Some randomness:

  • I'm getting sick. I can feel it in the back of my throat.
  • Bought a new microwave today from Leon's, and some new bedside tables. Microwave is too big for the shelf. Have to return it and get a smaller one.
  • This is the 3rd last weekend before the wedding. Egad.
  • I'm growing strangely fond of the lemony tase of Neo Citran. Yum yum.
  • We'll be lucky to get 70 people at the wedding. Sigh. I was hoping for more ...
  • Although, all the people who don't show up will miss out on one mighty KICK ASS party. The DJ rules.
  • Just you wait until our entrance into the reception. Hoo ha. People shall be a'talkin' about this for years to come. (Now, talking in what way, I'm not sure. But it will either be "Wow, that was cool" or "Wow, that was stupid" or "Wow, that was arrogant" or "Wha? When do I get my dinner? I'm hungry."
  • While most people seem to think it would be hell to work for The Donald, I think it would be very exciting. He'd probably motivate me (he reminds me a bit of this consultant one of our customers have hired, who's sole job is to make my life a living hell.)
  • Said consultant-from-hell apparently has developed a great respect for me. Which is good I guess.
  • 3 years at the same company and the raise was ... disappointing. The 3 year anniversay lunch was nice, and it was nice to hear them say "You're worth twice what we pay you. But the company makes no money. So we can't afford to pay you more, but we'll offer you 5% more. Could be worse, I suppose.
  • Renegotiated an open-ended contract, though. So I can go back and whine for more money 4 months from now if the company hits it big.
  • I wonder if I'll have a bachelor party. I'm putting money on ... no. (Dillan, if you're reading this, I gave you the names and numbers... doesn't have to be anything fancy. Beer and poker is a-fine by me. Hell. Beer even.)
  • My enormously fat cat Salinger likes my laptop bag. He's currently burrowed into it and purring.
  • Ok. Time for bed. Goodnight all.


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