If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Mumbly, mumbly, mumbly

Some random mumblings for today.

I had high hopes for Mark Cuban's "The Benefactor", after seeing all those previews where he did crazy things like give money to strangers, and have kids run his companies, and stuff like that.

What a disappointment to find out that it's just another reality show, basically "Mark Cuban show's he's jealous of Donald Trump's fame and tries to replicate it, but in a caaaaraaaaaaayzay way". What it ended up being was a stupid reality show almost as stupid as "Who wants to marry my midget millionaire dad" or whatever.

The final decision between two people about which person to vote out being made by which of them won a game of JENGA? Come on. There's being weird and wacky and then there's TRYING to be weird and wacky.

Cuban's stupid show falls into the latter category. Ironic, really, that the first person who was kicked off the show by Mark "I'm drunk with wealth and power and making up for all that lost time in high school when I was ruthlessly picked on" Cuban was kicked off because he called the show "Stupid."

At least I got a smile out of that. I do enjoy good irony... especially when nobody seems to realize it.


Speaking of drunk with power ... looks like King Ralph pulled another trick out of his magic bag and stormed out of the healthcare meeting after being "disrespected." Now, admittedly, what Mr. Martin and his Liberal buddies did was pretty disrespectful, Klein's antics are getting tiresome.

Hey, you know what Ralph? We get very little respect from the Liberals and Easterners in general. Get used to it.

And for crying out loud STOP PLAYING INTO THEIR HANDS ALL THE TIME. How much do you want to bet that the Liberal party spin team was hoping, hoping, hoping against all hope that you would react exactly like you did? How much do you want to bet they desperately wanted you to act like a big baby when you were so rudely disrespected and storm out of the meeting?

Now, they can run ads and stories which dismiss you as a lunatic who is not interested in participating any group discussion about anything, and who cries and whines when he doesn't get his way.

I'm going to be unable to vote for you now, dumbass, if not only for the simple reason that you obviously don't understand how to play politics. And I don't want someone running my province who doesn't understand how to play the fucking game.


All right. That's about it for today ... oh, one last thing: Canada 3, Finland 1. Amazing goaltending by both Martie and Kipper, all goals will be scored in the 3rd period, Finland scoring early in the 3rd, Canada tying it up halfway, then a goal with less than 5 minutes left to take the lead and finally an empty-netter by Iggie to seal the deal.


Blogger bubba said...

canada 1 finland 0. mario lemieux scores with 3 minutes left in the third. he'll come down crashing down the left wing, receive a drop pass from sakic, and shoot over kipprusoff's left shoulder. hey, that's the same goal he scored in the 1984 canada cup... history has a way of repeating itself...

Tuesday, September 14, 2004 at 11:13:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

Good to see you posting again.
Now get your ass over to The Alternative.
*sticks out tounge in the most menacing-ly of manners*

Heh, and also glad to hear the photographer is all dealt with now, and if you need any bones broken you know where you can find me. And I know how to get a hold of Helga, who is to me what the 'Angels' are to Charlie. Huzzah

Thursday, September 16, 2004 at 1:27:00 AM MDT  

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