If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Well hello again

Hello again, blog. It's been so long since we've been together. I've missed the beauty of your subtle curves, your wonderfully understated demeanour...

Well, something like that.

It's been (as I saw here this morning when I logged in) nearly a month since I've written here. Yowza. Sorry about that. I suppose I've been trying to recover from August, where I billed my clients just over 250 hours of work and of course had wedding details to plan.

So what's been going on? Well, work has settled down a bit at least, although it is still far too hectic for my liking. It will be intereting to see what happens when my contract at SEI expires next week. I'm hoping for a big pay increase but I'm not expecting much (ah, the joys of working for a small company that isn't making much money).

So there's been that, and then there's been the great "Photographer Disaster of 2004". Which, to make a long story short, has involved our Photographer somehow getting the impression that my question of "How do you provide coverage during the reception when you are eating a meal that could take two hours" meant "You don't deserve a meal." This misunderstanding on her part caused her to fire off a very nasty email to us in which she said "I'm having dinner with my family that night, so I won't cover your reception." This, being a disappointment of course, was only made worse by the fact she was very rude in her email, and the fact that we're having an evening ceremony. Which she knew about, of course.

So, the gist of it is that Stephanie and I no longer feel comfortable using her services and plan to cancel, forefeiting the $400 deposit. While this is an "ouch", I don't want (nor does Steph) to be in a situation where we're suddenly uncomfortable with our Photographer.

So that's the big update there. We meet with the marriage commissioner today and will find out what she thought of the ceremony we wrote. Other than that, things are now going along smoothly (even though it feels like we're running out of time... AIIIEEE!)

That's all I've got for now. Oh, yeah, except for one last thing: Way to go Jarome. Just keep up that level of play and we'll be just fine. It's about time you showed up! GO CANADA!


Blogger bubba said...

it seems that your photographer, knowing that your ceremony was in the evening, has canceled the contract thus forfeiting the deposit. you must get your 400 dullah back. otherwise, it's theft on her part.

Thursday, September 9, 2004 at 1:10:00 PM MDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

smooooooooooooochie booooooooochies!

Friday, September 10, 2004 at 8:00:00 AM MDT  

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