If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Good/bad up/down

Well what an interesting day today has been thus far.

Hm. Where to start, where to start...

Well, the morning got off to a rip-roaring start right at 7am with a whole bunch of infrastructure crap to deal with. This took me nearly an hour to deal with, which, considering that I like to enjoy the first hour of the day by having my coffee, getting settled in and going through my to-do list for the rest of the day, well ... it set me off a wee bit down the "mr grumpypants" road.

Anyway, as is typical around here, when Kyle is under pressure and has lots of things to do (6 emails from the company president asking for 6 different things, as well as about four other things that needed to get done before lunch), everyone was bugging me and asking me to help them with this, assist with that, find out the answer to this, fix this for me. Or, they would simply just take root near my desk and babble on and on and on and on and on. Despite the very evident fact that I was FREAKING BUSY!. Ah, what a whiner I am.

So things were going decidedly crapfully, until, until, until ... I looked over at the fax machine and the dreaded Palliser Quote had come in. Why dreaded, you ask? Well, dreaded simply because I was expecting a big list detailing the perfect wedding, but the wedding we couldn't afford. Anyway, I picked up the fax, sat at my desk, and took a big, deep breath. I read through the fax.

And I couldn't believe my eyes - because it was at least $3,000 less than I was expecting. I've placed a call in to the guy from the Palliser, asking him to call me back - because I believe that somewhere, somehow a mistake has been made. Well, I don't really believe that, the "final total" was pretty clear. But I don't want to jinx things. Because at that price - I would have just gone straight to him and signed on the proverbial dotted line right at lunch.

Anyway, things have calmed down a bit since. Played a Poker tournament over the rest of my lunch, and that was particularly rewarding - came in first place and had the pleasure of wiping the floor with a cocky, yappy little asshat who thought he was God's gift to the poker table. I really have to start playing for money ... if only I had the disposable income and the guts to do it...

So, today has turned out really really really good. Yeeehaw.

That is all.


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