If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Two months and one week

Two months and one week to go before I will be able to slip my wedding band on and forever be joined with Stephanie.

We both promised each other we would journal our last couple of months leading up to the wedding. And so, here it begins.

Did a couple of things this weekend and this week that were wedding related. Hurt my back bending over the coffee table folding, assembling, and sealing wedding invitations, which, despite the pain it caused my back, was actually quite fun. I very much enjoyed spending time with Steph and being involved in the wedding. Up to now, with the exception of some things, it's mostly been about Steph (and that's fine, what with having to get her dress, shoes, etc., etc.) but now I can participate too by arranging things at the Palliser, putting together invitations, and so forth.

Hopefully we'll hear from Brian at the Palliser soon with the budget, so we can look it over and find out where everything he quotes us on fits in to the overall budget. I really hope that most, if not all, of it fits in, but that's a bit of a pipe dream, unfortunately. As long as we get to keep most of it in there, then I'll be very happy as it all seemed very wonderful.

Aside from that, we need to finish and send out the invites, which hopefully we'll get done today. After that (I've made sure the website is all finished), it's getting the Tuxes ready and writing the ceremony. Hopefully we'll do that this weekend.


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