If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Well well well...

Shocking, because I never thought either would get any airplay, but Eminem's new video "MOSH" is #1 on MTV and Sarah McLachlan's "World on Fire" is #3.

Weird. But good.

Now we just have to hope all those MTV addled early 20somethings go out and vote...

I wrote this for you! And it only cost me four dollars from Value Village

The title of this is a bastardized quote from Sarah Slean's concert last night. Seems she was very proud of the new skirt she bought, which she was wearing at the concert. So she stood in front of everyone, did a twirl, and then cried out "I bought this for youuuuuu! And it only cost me four dollars from Value Village!!". Then she leapt into a song. Strangely, even though she bought the skirt for me, she did not give it to me after the show. Strange. I can also only assume she was speaking directly to me, and not the other few hundred people gathered in attendance.

I am that important, you see.

Listening to Slean's CDs is one thing, but seeing her live drives home the fact that she's probably the most underappreciated artist that this country has. She's wonderful, intense, and incredibly talented. Excellent show.

Too bad it was only 50 minutes, as she was opening for Ron Sexsmith. Stephanie and I did not stay for Sexsmith's set.


I must say I'm completely shocked that the entire roster of the St. Louis Cardinals was replaced by high school players who looked exactly like the regular players.

This is my only explanation for how St. Louis managed to not win a single game of the World Series, despite playing two games against Boston where the BoSox made FOUR ERRORS (not total, each game), and one game where in the bottom of the third inning, they had a runner on second and third and no outs (and thanks to bizarre baserunning errors, scored no runs).

Not that I'm disappointed Boston won, as I was rooting for them to break the curse of the Bambino. But I am rather disappointed that it was such a blah of a World Series, with the League's best-record team folding like the proverbial deck chair.


We have a deal on the table right now at work which is being referred to around the office as the "Retirement Deal". Being such a large contract that our sales guy (who gets the commission), the company's owners (and me, company's part owner), could "Retire".

Not that I would. And it would run out after a while. But oh it would change things around the office, and my stress and over-worked-ness would be reduced. (I figure, anyway). So let's keep our fingers crossed on that one.


In other news, Stephanie refers to the "Retirement Deal" as the "Baby Deal", as we could afford for her to stay home with a baby.

Which would be nice.


That is all.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Quick! Fall on my sword for me!

It's nice to see some level of justice is finally being handed out in the Abu Gharib situation.

Clicky, clicky

It's good that the US is acting responsibly, finding those who had a leading hand in the abuse and punishing them for what they have done.

I'm glad that, over time, all of those who participated and enabled this to happen, either directly or indirectly, will be brought to justice.

It will be good to see good 'old Rummy face the courts... oh, wait. Nevermind. Silly me.

mumbly, mumbly

Guess who's back. Back again. I am back. Tell some friends.


Actually been back for a while now, got back in town on Saturday morning then raced around for the next two days with mother & brother in law, shopping, eating, and dropping them off at the airport.

And so, with no further delay, a return of mumbly mumbly.

  • Man. What an ALCS. While I'm still hurting that my beloved Giants and hero Balco Bonds didn't make it to the playoffs, both the ALCS and the NLCS have been extremely entertaining (this after pretty dull divisional

    The interesting thing, though, is that I'm not overly shocked that the BoSox pulled it off. They never should have been down by 3 games in the first place. Never. The Evil Empire may have a $180 million dollar payroll, but I'm highly confused at how they can possibly have such a high payroll and have such terrible pitching.

    That's what killed the empire in this one. As soon as Boston beat up on Rivera in game 5, it was as clear to day to me that they were going to pull it off. That win pretty much guaranteed them a win in game 6 (Rivera had blown 2 consecutive saves and thrown over 80 pitches in two nights, and for a reliever that comes with a heavy toll), and then the Yankees showed their true depth last night. Anemic pitching, combined with facing a Boston team that was as determined as a team I've seen, combined to make one of the more impressive comebacks in sports history.

    And how about Damon? It's about time you showed up, pal. Guy goes 3-26 in the first 6 games and then goes 3-5 with 2 HR's and 6 steaks. I had a feeling he would have a good game... still surprised at how good it actually was.
  • I'm utterly bored by Survivor this year. Meh.
  • West Wing last night was very good. Hopefully it's a sign of things to come and the series returns back to its old glory, instead of the aimless garbage that made up most of the last 2 seasons.
  • I'm glad it's daylight savings time soon. I'm getting very tired of getting to work in pitch darkness.
  • The wedding, ah. The wedding. I know it will sound like a cliche, but, to date, that was the best day of my life.

    Being surrounded by all my friends and family (both my old friends/family and my new friends/family), having an absolute blast roaming around downtown doing the pictures, then an incredible ceremony, an amazing dinner, then one HELL of a party... it couldn't have gone better.

    I want to have a day like that every day.

    I thank my lucky stars that I had enough courage to stand up to those who were against me, that I had the strength to stay with the plan to marry Stephanie in the face of all the criticism, because it was an amazing day, and I have an amazing, incredible life ahead of me with the most wonderful woman on earth.

That is all.

Who's your daddy?

Well, Mr. Steinbrenner? Are you happy with what your "all offense no pitching" $180 million dollar payroll got you?

Yeah. I figured as much.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Honeymoonin', honeymoonin...

Hello, from Jasper.

Well, the honeymoon so far has been absolutely wonderful. I'm sitting here on the comfortable sofa in our lakefront suite, considering having the room service guys who ride on Bicycles come by and bring me some chips and salsa.

Hey, it's luxury resort. Might as well take advantage. Anyway, it's not like it's free...

Anyway, the drive up yesterday was quite nice. Not much traffic, which was good, and after turning onto the Icefields Parkway, we stopped at the Bow Summit, which is the highest point on the parkway. We hiked up a paved trail to see one of the most spectacular vistas I've ever seen.

Anyway, after that we pretty much drove straight through to Jasper and arrived around 4pm, and checked in. We quicky went to our room which is gorgeous, with a stunning view of the lake. We lounged around for a bit and then decided to go into town for dinner.

We mucked around Jasper for a bit, trying to find a place to eat, when we finally decided on dining at "La Fiesta", a tiny little hole-in-the-wall joint specializing in a Spanish Tapas. We ordered three of the Tapas (aka Appetizers): A Crab Salad w/ Papya and Avocado, Jambalaya Chimichangas, and Crab Quesadillas.

Dear. God. If any time you are in Jasper, please eat at this restaurant. Easily some of the best food of this kind I've had in a long time.

After that, we went back to the hotel and jacuzzied (can you verb Jacuzzi? No matter. I just did, and you understood. Therefore, you can verb Jacuzzi), then crawled into bed, watched a bit of the Fifth Estate (which was airing a remarkably damning documentary on Dick Cheney which made Michael Moore look downright partisan), then drifted off to sleep.

In the morning we ordered breakfast to the room (part of our package), then went off to Maligne Canyon and Athabasca Falls. Maligne Canyon was very impressive, and on the way to Maligne Canyon we headed off a dirt road to a lake in the middle of a forest area which had been burned in a fire a few years back. It was quite interesting, but Steph had an unsettled feeling while we were there so we went back to the car.

Athabasca falls was the same as it was when we were here two years ago, except there were a LOT more Inukshuks at the bottom of the falls down near the lake. We spend about a half hour down there jumping on the rocks, taking pictures, and being silly. We returned to the hotel and room, and then tried to plan out the next stop of our Honeymoon, but failed. (You see, we didn't have any plans for tomorrow night, so we had to figure them out 'on the fly.)

It was time for dinner, though, so we got dressed and went down to the Edith Cavell for dinner. We ordered the Chef's "Tasting Menu", which is a four course meal specially prepared by the chef. This, as well, was included in our package. I had mine with the wine (not included), but for the extra $45 it was absolutely worth it.

The meal was somewhat unusual, starting with Foie Gras in a chocolate sauce. I didn't like it much, but ate it. Steph didn't like it and also wouldn't eat it because of how they over-feed the ducks. I, being a heartless bastard, didn't have such a sympathetic view.

The next course was a Wild Boar & Current Terrine, which was basically a sort of thinly cut really wide sausage, in a few different kinds of sauce. It was quite good and we both enjoyed it.

The next course was Opa Fillet (lightly smoked and served nice and raw), served on some sprouts of some sort and with a consomme sauce, and some unusual mushrooms. I thought it was delicious. Steph didn't mind it.

The main course was stunning - Llama (did you know Llama was edible? I didn't, until now), served with a Curry Ravioli and vegetables. It was one of the best main courses I've ever had in my life. Mmmmm. YUM.

The dessert was a sort of alcoholy-with-ice-cream-cake thing which was really nice. The wines served with each course were wonderful and complemented each meal perfectly.

While we ate, we tried to decide what we were going to do for the next few days of our honeymoon. We narrowed it down to getting the same package at Jasper again for the next two nights (the package has a 2 night minumum), or spending one more night in Jasper and one night at Lake Louise.

On the way out, we asked the server what next week's Chef's Menu was. The waiter we had came by and explained everything to me, including the wine selection he had in mind (as he turned out to be the guy who makes the wine selection, aka, the Sommelier.) The menu looked very good and we felt that we would stay for two more nights.

We went to the front desk and unfortunately, in order to get the package for two more nights, we would have had to move rooms after tonight. We didn't really want to do that, so we booked the room for one more night (tomorrow), and when we went back to the room I booked a night at the Chateau Lake Louise on a breakfast package for the night of the 15th. This will be nice as Steph's never been to Lake Louise and I love it there.

Anyway, that's about it. We'll be back in town on Saturday night.


Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Wasn't that a party...

Well, I'm writing this just before we head out for Jasper.

Thank you everyone who was there, who made it one of the best days of my life.

I'll write more soon, but for now, I'm logging out and getting out of town for some rest and relaxation.

I love you all.

And damn. Was that one hell of a party, or what?

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Poker, and a couple of laptops

So, there are no lights on in the house right now. Everything is enveloped in darkness that is cut through only by the glow of two laptops - mine, and soon-to-be brother-in-law Nathan's. It's 10:39pm, my soon-to-be wife is falling asleep beside me, and we all just finished a rather amusing game of No Limit Texas Hold'em, with the high, high stakes of a bunch of buttons I have stored in a jar.

Today was the last day of work (well, last full day, I have to put in a couple of hours worth of work to finish off a few things), and it feels good knowing that I have some days off ahead of me.

The wedding still doesn't seem real, even though we dropped off everything at the Palliser this afternoon, paid (ouch), and I will be picking up my Tux tomorrow. Perhaps it is a sense of calm that I'm mistaking for it not seeming real, or perhaps it just seems so real, and so right, it's just not something that I'm freaking out about. Well, okay, I was freaking out at work today but that's mostly because, as usual, when Kyle has lots to do, everyone doesn't recognize it and comes a screamin', needing a piece of his ass.

Regardless of what my parents seem to think about the whole episode (I haven't heard much from them this week, which is disappointing. I had hoped they would call and offer to help, offer to come over and see Steph's mom, make some sort of gesture...), all I know is that a steak dinner, a game of chess with Nathan and then a round of poker, feels absolutely right.

That's all for now.