If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

If I could, yes I would... if I could I would...

Some random Wednesday ramblings


OK. Listen up, drivers of Calgary.

The traffic circle is nothing to be afraid of. It's remarkably simple. Go into the circle if there's nobody coming at you from the left. Don't go into it if someone is coming at you from the left.

Traffic circles are more efficient than 4-way stops. They improve overall fuel consumption of the vehicles that go through them (since there's rarely a stop and it's more of a slowing-down).

They installed a bunch of traffic circles on our current route to Safeway down in Signal Hill. Three traffic circles in a row where there used to be 4-way stops.

This has caused an utter and complete disaster of confused drivers. People stopping at the entrance to the circle when there's no traffic in it at all. The driver's head can be seen frantically looking in every conceivable direction in sheer, unrelenting confusion. There's the rapid tapping of the brakes that some drivers do as they approach the circle, as though their foot was connected directly to the confusion in their heads ("Go no stop no slow down no speed up no AAAAH THIS IS TERRIFYING WHAT DO I DOOOOO"). There's the people who blast towards the traffic circle only to slam on the brakes at the LAST POSSIBLE SECOND before entering the circle, regardless of whether a vehicle is coming at them or not.

end of rant


Can't wait until Barry retires... not only is he sullying my Giants and wasting $20m a year of the team's payroll, he's hitting .214 with no home runs and just one steak in 11 games. I could do better in the #3 spot in that order.

SHOO. Go away. Now you're a distraction AND a has-been. I could tolerate you when you helped the team win, but not anymore when you're not even contributing.


The Jays are starting to get into their groove and really turn it on... 13 homers in their last 7 games. Pitching staff starting to settle down a bit... and what's better than beating up on the Big Unit?


Well, I've had a few practices with the girls now and our first game is tomorrow. Should be a very interesting season... the girls settled (as much as a group of 9 year old girls can agree on anything) on a name yesterday evening at practice. We're the South Bow River Kaos.

Here's the logo...


That is all.


Blogger bubba said...

hmmm...just looked up barry bonds' stats. 35 at bats wit 20 bases on balls. 1 HR. to get rid of him, people will have to start pitching to him. even if it takes rounding the bases in a wheelchair, don't think he's going to leave until he beats hank aaron's record.

but then if he's dead...

Monday, April 24, 2006 at 4:59:00 PM MDT  

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