If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Hello from up yonder

Vacation Day 1: Look, this is where I am right now

Sheesh it's been way too long since I wrote in this blog. I suppose that's what I get for working 240 hours last month. The math on that on an "hours per week" basis just really makes my poor head ache.

Anyway, thankfully, today I got to go grocery shopping, swing by Wal-Mart, take some photographs, try to get on a broken down mining train, and eat lunch all without having my cell phone even anywhere near me. This achieved of course because Stephanie and I are on glorious vacation.

It's odd, really, thinking that aside from trying to get on the mining train, basically all we did today was stuff that we could easily have done back home in Calgary, but despite that I'm getting to be a bit more relaxed than I was before we left. I'm sure in a couple of days I'll be fully relaxed and really be able to kick back and enjoy myself. But considering how stressed I've been at work lately, getting all the stress out of my system will take more than one nice relaxing day.

This is helping, though, actually I realize now as I write. It's been way too long since I've written in this blog, and just kicking back, listening to some Coldplay and writing I'm finding very therapeutic.

Not sure what holds for the next few days. I'm going to try and get me some photo-ID here (since the Alberta government took my driver's licence away, pending renewal, I don't have any photo-id right now) at the registry (Hopefully, "Yeah, I'm uh, up here on business, and don't have photo-id, and have to get into the US, so, uh, can you take my picture and give me something?" will work). Once I've got my hands on the photo-ID, that will give us a chance to swing on down to Skagway & Juneau Alaska, which should be fun. Might do that on Wednesday maybe, it's about a 2 day trip there and back. There's a fancy hotel in Juneau which is right on the water and has fancy hot-tubs on the decks, with big tall pine trees surrounding them that grow up through the deck. That would be neat, I think.

I think we might also try to swing back up to Dawson City (about a 5 1/2 hour drive), stay there for a day or two and maybe head up to Eagle Plain, which is 30 minutes south of the Arctic Circle. We tried to do that drive to the circle last time we were up here, but failed. You see, I figured that along the drive on the Dempster Highway there would sometimes be signs saying "100km to Eagle Plain", etc. But strangely, there was nothing. So once the car had half a tank of gas left, we were forced to turn around and go back since we didn't have any idea where we were and if we had enough gas to keep going. This time will be different, I tells ya.

Also Dawson City is a great place to visit, so quiet and laid back and relaxed, and there's plenty of stuff to do. Plus it's got a great "Gold Rush Theme" Casino, and that's always a plus.

Anyway, that's about it. I think I'm gonna muck around and play with the 70-300 zoom lens I borrowed from my Dad.

No spectacular pictures yet, but here's something decent I took in the mother-in-law's backyard:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading your blog and I figured you'd be interested in advancing your life a bit, call us at 1-206-339-5106. No tests, books or exams, easiest way to get a Bachelors, Masters, MBA, Doctorate or Ph.D in almost any field.

Totally confidential, open 24 hours a day.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Monday, August 8, 2005 at 12:23:00 PM MDT  
Blogger parabolicant said...

Check out NOvember 16th.

And yes Jeff got you a ticket. He got floor seats at 60 a pop. Not sure what the service charges come to though. He'll let me know when his bill comes, and I'll let you know.

Tuesday, August 9, 2005 at 9:42:00 PM MDT  

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