If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Friday, July 30, 2004

Oh, and here's reason #4,128,983

Reason #4,128,982 I'm disgusted by America

Thursday, July 29, 2004

okay then...

Not sure what this is, but it's fun nonetheless. Make sure you have your speakers on.

The personality test said...

You are realistic, outspoken, direct, objective, practical, optimistic, adaptable. You are a fun person to know. You don’t mince words. People always know exactly where you stand and the way you present what you think often makes people laugh. You state the direct facts so objectively that even the most sensitive types usually aren’t offended when your statement reflects negatively on them.
You like your work to be exciting and new and open to your creative touch. More than other types you get bored quickly when dealing with the mundane and routine and are first to notice an opportunity for stimulation. As a child you were excited, high energy and curious and possibly mistakenly mislabeled as “hyperactive” or “unfocused.”
You get impatient when subjected to long theoretical explanations and prefer that people stick to the facts and get directly to the point.
Your are skilled with equipment, and excel at making events sound interesting or points seem obvious.
Of all types, you are the most likely to know where the action is. You are smooth and sophisticated, knowing what to say to who to get what you want.
You rely on yourself and trust common sense to get things done in nearly all circumstances. You are concerned with what works rather than what meets social norms, although you know how to use social norms to your advantage when that’s what works.
You don’t get sentimentally attached to items or procedures the way other people do. This makes you particularly inventive because everything is negotiable on every new project.


One of our cats, Salinger, who recently got himself twisted up in a plastic grocery bag (in the process severely cutting his leg with the plastic and costing us close to $400 in Vet fees and a lost vacation as we had to stay home with him), has hurt himself, yet again.

While we were watching television last night, he fell off a chair (for no apparent reason, this is nothing new to him. He falls off things randomly all the time) and appears to have twisted his right back leg (or bruised, sprained, or something equally painful). Hopefully he will heal okay as we really can't afford to take him to the Vet right now. We'll see. He's walking ok, just with a bit of a limp, and still running around like a spaz.

So nothing really new there, except he's limping.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

shadow apart

he wrote that it's easy
to hate a man remote.
one who is unreal.
one who is only
words whispered
by the memory of
a sad and lonely girl.

perhaps the hate
was only hate of action
and not the shadow itself.
for the actions, they themselves
were the reality,
not his body or mind.

what then, if he stepped from shadow
into the light, for even just
a fleeting moment in the sun?
a face to a name, then,
or perhaps a face to a story.
with such comes the heart,
the blood and guts of a nomad.
promises, perhaps, to a girl who
smiles more often now, but
who still has an empty space
somewhere inside.

promises like before, come and gone.
so now, the hate is not of shadow,
for they have faded,
leaving a smile, a face.
a firm handshake.
promises, perhaps, to come,
to be unfulfilled or realized.

nevertheless, the shadow is  material.

Copyright 2004


Unfortunately, I can't take credit for it.

Ok, it is apparently on.

Well, let's see. Personal goal for the blog is to actually post in it. I had a diary over at OpenDiary but I have found lately that I haven't been... ah, of course. The instant I start typing, what happens? Someone comes to my desk and wants something. This is why I didn't update much at the old location.

Ok, I'm back. Anyway, as I was saying, I didn't update much of late over at OpenDiary. I think I got tired of it for several reasons, one, too many ads (Blogger is much nicer because I can just host it on our own server and it's ad-free. Woohoo.) and it was far too unreliable and slow. It had a tendency to eat posts and whatnot. And the slowness made it a bit annoying as far as entering in a quick thought or something.

Anyway, let's hope this is better and I actually use it regularly.

So, on that note, here's Kyle's blog political statement #1.

It wasn't a war for oil. No, no. Of course it wasn't. It was a war for ... well, something. Nobody's really sure anymore, but it couldn't have been a war for oil. Nope. Just couldn't be something like that. /sarcasm

(Song playing on media player at the end of this entry: Twist My Arm, by The Tragically Hip. Album: Live Between Us)

uh. is this thing on?

cough, cough.