If you're trying to out-think someone that isn't thinking, you'll lose

Friday, February 24, 2006

Some sort of window thing

Click here and tell me what you think of me.

Click, click

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Dear god, the rental monkey is actually writing...

Hello, hello. Well, I'm taking 5 days off of work, the cell phone is off, the email has only been checked ONCE tonight and I only replied to ONE work-related email tonight. Gotta wean myself off a bit.

However, the nice thing is that I actually am giving myself some time to write in the 'ol blog. And whoa there's plenty 'o stuff to write about.

So here we goes.


Noel is simultaneously amazing, frustrating, exciting, exhausting, incredible... gaining weight very fast, opening his eyes a bit more. He's even starting to react to me now, which is wonderful.

It's an amazing feeling to make a funny noise or face at him and have him smile.


Some Olympic thoughts.

It's interesting that we're starting (and by we I mean Canadians in general) to label ourselves as CHOKERS. Jeremy Wotherspoon blows it (second Olympics in a row!), on and on. Our medal contenders are not only failing to get gold (a lofty goal for ANY athlete, no matter where you're from), but they aren't even placing. This is disappointing.

In my opinion, Olympics Canada (or whatever the federation is called) really needs to invest in better sports psychologists. How can Wotherspoon dominate at the world championships 7 out of 8 years, break world records, and then completely blow it two Olympics in a row? In my opinion, it's mental.

The people responsible for these athletes really need to wake up to the fact that, as Yogi said so many years ago, "Half of this game is 90% mental".

As much as it pains me to say it, there is no way that Women's Hockey should be an Olympic sport. In my opinion, it's really actually quite embarassing. Yes, the sport is becoming more popular around the world. Yes, there is greater interest.

But the fact remains that there's only two countries in the world that are any good at the sport. Did anyone watch the Canada-Italy game? Or the Canada-Russia game? If I was a women's hockey player, I would be embarassed for my sport by what happened out there.

I think the majority of my opinion regarding the status of Women's hockey really relates to the IOC (a Eurocentric entity if ever there was one) and its decision to remove Women's Softball from the summer games.

Women's Softball is a sport that is played, and played competitively, by countries around the world. Yes, it is currently dominated by the USA (which I think was part of the reason that it was taken out of the games; if it was being dominated by England it would be a different question), but that doesn't mean it's nearly as "uncompetitive" as the IOC likes to claim.

But really, that's all not the point - if the IOC can say that Women's Softball shouldn't be in due to a lack of competitiveness... well, how can Women's Hockey be in there?

Put softball back in, dammit.


Well, that's it for now, except for the final comment that I'm really looking forward to a year of hypocrisy by the Conservative party.

You know, the party that's all about "ethics" and "accountability" and all that nice pre-election talk, but then gets all excited when a Liberal crosses the floor 2 weeks after being elected.


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Good grief. Haven't posted in ages.

Must get back into the "daily" posting habit.

Until then, please entertain yourself with Name: Dr. Johnny Loo.